postcard from Bulgaria

Здрасти, как си?

Going on summer holidays to the sea once a year it is a tradition for me (and you too, need to make this kind of vacancies traditional for yourself, that’s really relaxing after the year in the city). This time we chose Bulgarie, the touristic place called Sunny Beach: we found cheap tickets, rented very nice apartments on , for three person it was not expensive at all, and hole week we could relaxing on the beach, swimming in Black Sea, drinking cocktails, dancing a lot in bars at the evening , we definitely had FUN there even it was not a high-season and it was cold at nights.

Здрасти, как си?
Взяла себе в традицию раз в год обязательно выбираться на море. В этот раз выбор пал на Болгарию, на курорт Солнечный Берег: мы нашли дешевые билеты, арендовали апартаменты на, вся неделя отдыха на берегу Черного моря вышла очень бюджетно.

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Kristina Boyko Автор:

Hey! My name is Kristina and i am traveler as you are. Travel is my therapy. I find new things about myself and wash away any negativity in my life. I build, I grow, I see. It's cleansing to get out of my box and see what I am capable of. So, join me through my videos and stories!